DIOnavi. Financial Goal
Annual DIOnavi. exclusive practice’s standard financial goal

Make out your own DIOnavi financial goals. 

According to the American Dental Association, the average US dental practice generates $742,490 in revenue and $219,570 in net income. Not too shabby. Implants are known to be the most profitable treatments for your practice, but the competition is growing. Before considering your pricing strategy, you might want to ask yourself ‘Am I being competitive in my marketplace?’ 

A pricing strategy is often regarded as a discounting strategy, which is misleading. You need to determine the fair value of your treatment, the patient’s willingness to pay, and what the competition is changing. The DIOnavi digital workflow-based implant treatment is valued at more than $8k per implant. Which is less than $4k per implant value to the patient. Digital workflow enables you to visualize the treatment plan, differentiating your practice and delivering trust to the patient. 

DIOnavi dental implants are setting the standard that patients are seeking while driving new revenues to your practice (see illustration). Let our team walk you through the entire journey. Together, we can set your financial goals and build up your confidence in implantology. With a minimum investment, we’ll provide the education, training, clinical workflow support, and patient marketing. Transform your practice from traditional to digital today.